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PFRPG - Bestiary - Linked

by dllewell

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This module adds spell and special ability actions and effects to NPCs from the Pathfinder Bestiary. (see image below). The spells are all copied from the PFRPG - Spellbook Extended module. While the special ability effects are manually created.

Bestiary Versions

For copyright reasons this module does not contain any images or tokens.

There are two versions of the Bestiary that address this issue.

That version links to the official Fantasy Grounds version of the Pathfinder Bestiary and uses the tokens and images from that module. You must own, and have loaded, the official Fantasy Grounds version of the Pathfinder Bestiary in order to link to these images.

This version has no images in it at all. But there are placeholders for all the tokens and images. If you have your own images and tokens you can unzip the module, replace the placeholder tokens and images with your own, then rezip the module. As long as you used the same image and token name these will automatically appear in the module.

There is another version -  PFRPG - Bestiary - Blank. That version has no images in it at all. But there are placeholders for all the tokens and images. If you have your own images and tokens you can unzip the module, replace the placeholder tokens and images with your own, then rezip the module. As long as you used the same image and token name these will automatically appear in the module.

Required Extensions and Modules

This bestiary module has a number of other extension and modules that are required to get full functionality out of them. Technically you don't need any of these but you will lose a significant amount of functionality if you don't use them.


PFRPG - Monster Attributes
All of the monster special abilities are links to this module.

PFRPG - Spellbook Extended
All of the linked spells come from the PFRPG - Spellbook Extended module.

PFRPG - Feats
All of the monsters feats are links to this module.


Extended automation and overlays By Kelrugem
This is the big one. If you only load a single extension it should be this one. A large number of the actions and effects in this module are dependent on this extension.

Aura Effect by bmos
Not as critical as some of the other extensions. A few spells and special abilities use this but it will have limited impact if you don't use this extension.

Live Hit Points by bmos
This extension is not required. All of the monsters have been setup to use Live Hit Points but will load with default hit points if you don't have this extension.

PF Player Effect Removal by darrenan/Nickademus
A large number of spells and special abilities use this extension.

Mirror Image Handler by darrenan
Some of the spells use this. This extension is useful but is not required.

Constant Effect Apply by darrenan
This module makes extensive use of this extension. Numerous spells and special abilities are set to automatically load when the monster is added to the combat tracker.

UUID 5589d9fc-ab8d-11ec-8c52-0050562be458