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PFRPG - Races (Linked)

by dllewell

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This module contains all current races from the Archive of Nethys. 75 races in total.

It contains standard and alternate racial traits, sub races, favored class options, racial feats, and racial spells.

Each of the races can be drag-dropped onto the character sheet. As can all the individual components (traits, feats, spells, etc.)


There are two versions of the module.

This version (PFRPG - Races (Linked)) links to my other two modules (PFRPG - Spellbook and PFRPG - Feats) and uses spell and feat data from those 2 modules rather than replicating it in this module.

If you don't use my other two modules (PFRPG - Spellbook and PFRPG - Feats) then you should use the PFRPG - Races version which is a standalone version that contains all the feats and spells within that module.

UUID 7280837a-61fb-11ec-8c52-0050562be458