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Castles & Crusades: The Players Handbook

by Troll Lord Games

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The Castles & Crusades Players Handbook physical and Digital PDF versions can be found on the Troll Lord Games website.
Plunge into worlds of fantastic adventure where dragons lie and the undead stalk the shades of your mind's imaginings, where creatures of legend plunder wealth through the horror of their passage. Monsters grim and foul taunt with the ecstasy of gold and glory. Upon the heels of these foes stalk heroes of great might; those who take up sword and shield, who harness eldritch might, those who traverse the narrow corridors in search of sport, and those who serve a purpose greater than all the others: Heroes, Freebooters, Mercenaries, and Adventurers.

Castles & Crusades: The Roleplaying Game, is an easy to learn, fast paced fantasy role playing game suitable for novice and veteran gamers of all ages. With Castles & Crusades, these imaginings come to life as you play the role of a hero seeking adventure in a fantastic world populated by mythic creatures and legendary beasts. Or, as the Castle Keeper, you can design the worlds and stories that make up the game, guiding friends and fellow gamers through epic adventures in wondrous settings of your own making. Now everything you need to play Castles & Crusades with your others across the globe is now possible with the Fantasy Grounds Castles & Crusades ruleset and our core rulebooks, Players Handbook and Monsters & Treasure.

What you will find in the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook
A full explanation of the tools you will need to play and how to play a game of Castles & Crusades. We explain the basics of the attribute check system, the Siege Engine, and touch on attribute modifiers and attribute checks. Specialized sections that cover a wealth of information including the following:

About Castles & Crusades The RPG, The Classes, The Races, Completing the Character, Magic, Spell Descriptions, and of course, The Castle Keeper and the Game which includes Combat, Treasure and Experience points, Movement, Spell Resistance, Languages, Vision & Time: All of these sections discuss the various aspects of the game that come into play. Each is dealt with and explained, making deployment at the table fast and easy.

What's included with the Fantasy Grounds version of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook

  • All 13 archetypal character classes and all 7 iconic races from the Player's Handbook that can be dragged to your character sheet.
  • Equipment lists containing items that can be dragged to character sheets, treasure parcels, or NPCs for ease of reference, encumbrance calculations, and ease of disbursement. The searchable lists contain all items listed in the Player's Handbook (Adventuring Gear, Armor, Weapons, Containers, Charged Items.)
  • Draggable weapons that auto-enter the inventory, weight, attack type (melee, ranged, thrown), and the damage (with damage type) 
  • Complete reference material and artwork from the print C&C Players Handbook.
  • All spells from the C&C Player's Handbook, ready to drag and drop to your character sheet.
  • The class description from the Player's Handbook for all 13 core classes: assassin, barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, knight, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, and wizard.
  • Details and features from levels 1-24 for all core classes.
  • Automatic addition of class and race traits and abilities when you drag the class link to your character's level summary.

All these features have been compiled into sections within a special reference manual specifically formatted for ease of play on Fantasy Grounds at the table or over the Internet.

Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Troll Lord Games

Requirements: This content requires the following:

Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded and if you are running Fantasy Grounds or Fantasy Grounds Unity.

This product is ©2021 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a registered Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing L.L.C., d/b/a Troll Lord Games. SIEGE Engine™ is Trademark Chenault & Gray Publishing L.L.C., d/b/a Troll Lord Games. Amazing Adventures is a Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing, d/b/a Troll Lord Games.
The Troll Lord Games, Castles & Crusades, SIEGE Engine, Amazing Adventures and Troll Lord Games logos are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. 2022.
This product's format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC.

Released on January 21, 2022

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