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Auras Visualized

by teamtwohy

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Auras Visualized

Auras Visualized (formerly COP - Auras) With this extension, we again aim to speed up combat and leave more time for role-playing by making it so that the Game Master and Players can visually see which tokens are within an aura.

This extension creates visible auras around tokens with an AURA effect.

This extension is intended to work by itself or alongside of bmos's excellent Aura Effect Extension.

This extension should work with any CoreRPG-based ruleset.

GM and Player can independently select the color auras. The GM sets the default shape of an aura.

Full Documentation available at:

Usage: AURA: distance;

If using the Aura Effect extension linked above, it is recommended that you put any AURASHAPE or AURACOLOR effects in front of the AURA tag so they are not included in any effect applied to entities within the aura. If not using that extension, they can appear after.

Examples: Simple Aura of 10 feet, using the default color and shape. AURA: 10; My Bad Smell

Blue aura of 15 feet using the default shape. AURA: 15 blue

Custom color aura of 10 feet. Alpha set to 80 for partial transparency AURA: 10 80AAFF23

Square purple aura of 20 feet AURA: 20 cube, purple

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UUID 5b164a2a-be9a-11ec-8c52-0050562be458