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PFRPG - Feats Extended

by Morenu

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Currently in the ALPHA stage. 

If This has saved you time and you are inclined to add to my FGU funds, you can PayPal me using [email protected]

** NEW, Actively working on Shaman Spirits (10 in total but not all coded, Battle, Bones & Flame are done).  Found in Special Abilities **

Thanks to Dllewell, I am going to start with his PFRPG - Feats mod and copy edited feats to this PFRPG - Feats Extended mod.

What's in it???

-- Going mostly Alphabetical at this point (Skipping some I have to research) --

  • over 174 of the 176 Feats found in the PFRPG Basic Rules are done (Deadly Stroke and Spirited Charge not done).
  • Over 825 Total Feats finished and I believe there are around 3500+ Feats in total to do in Dllewels mod... 
  • All Mythic feats skipped for now.  
  • 217 skipped feats so far (many reasons for skips, Mythic, Unsure how to code, Styles (so many styles), or I didn't feel like researching)
  • Adding Base Combat Maneuvers and their related feats as well (Done so far: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder & Trip, 3 more to do - Drag, Reposition & Steal)
  • Added Feint & Charge (will look at other Special attacks as well)
  • Added a few Class Features as they came up (Lay on Hands and Smite Evil & 3 more)
  • Eidolons added as a Class, all four bases plus a blank template and all Evolutions
  • Adding the 10 Shaman Spirits as Special Abilities records that can be added to the Abilities tab and has all the spells, hexs and such coded and easily linked to from the 1 Spirit record (Battle and Bones done).  (10 all laid out with spells linked, working on hex and ability coding)
  • We are adding Racial Traits as well, 150+ Finished so far.
  • I am going Alphabetically through the races and adjusting them with the above Racial Traits, I am finished 20: Aasimar, Adaros, Android, Aphorites, Aquatic Elves, Astomoi, Caligni, Catfolk, Cecaelias, Changeling, Deep One Hybrid, Dhampir, Drow, Drow Noble, Duergar, Duskwalker, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half Elf.  With several others partially done.
  • Added all Spellblights
  • Over 520 "Spell" effects so far for those feats/Combat Maneuvers/Spellblights/Racial Traits/Evolutions
  • Adding a few Special Abilities if needed; 3 so far
  • Added a replacement Skill for Armored Rider (Ride AR) so armor penalties are removed
  • Improvements to existing effects as I learn better ways to code them.

Essentially, I am adding effects, instructions and/or information to all Feats.  Many can not be automated and I will say that (and then go whine to a coder to "Fix it" lol), Some have no need to be coded and Others may not be worth doing what I put in and you can delete/ignore it. Several I suggest multiple ways of doing it depending on your preference.  

I will keep updating here and would LOVE feedback on wording, the implementation, errors...

Extentions and mods needed (all free)

(feel free to load it without and see what works)

    Library Items Required (load into the library modules once in game):

This Mod

PFRPG - Spellbook Extended by dllewell (library item)

Extensions required for many of the effects to work properly (18 extensions):

    Adds additional coding effects (13):

Aura Effect by bmos  (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Encumbrance Penalties by Bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Live Hitpoints by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Spell Failure by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Remove Effect Tag Extension by darrenan

Feature: Extended automation and overlays by Kelrugem

Temporal Fixation by MeAndUnique

Better Combat Effects by rhagelstrom 

Close Encounters by Saagael

3.5E & Pathfinder Clustered Attacks by SoxMax

3.5 & Pathfinder Distance Conditional by SoxMax

Effects Modify Effects by SoxMax

Size Changes by SoxMax

   Adds other necessary items (5):

Advanced Effects for Pathfinder by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Advanced Item Actions by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

PF1 - Spellclass Sort + notes + NPC by Morenu (coded by Trenloe & MostTornBrain)

On Hit Effects by SoxMax

Advanced Charsheet by Zarestia

   Extensions Suggested for organization, plus my descriptions assume you use these:

Drain and Permanent Bonuses by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Enhanced Items by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Hit Margins by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Spell Formatting by bmos (These may lose support and may need to be removed or changed)

Misc Annotations by MostTornBrain Taken over by GKEnialb

And again, a Huge thank you to dllewell for letting me start by building from their PFRPG - Feats (Eventually Not needed as my mod uses it as the base but until I finish this, It is highly recommended)

IF you like using Auras and want to be able to see them on the map, I highly recommend the next extension BUT it does cost $.

Auras Visualized  by Teamtwohy

UUID ca76325e-4413-11ee-8c52-0050562be458